Memorial – Day At The Beach

Every year in Santa Cruz, my bother and DeDe celebrated Day At The Beach, where the handicapped can experience water sports.  Normally, my brother and his wife DeDe do the scuba portion, but in their memory, the group placed a wreath.  It happened last Saturday after the funeral, and in the words of David and DeDe’s friend, Ron Goodman:

“There were no words. At about 3:15PM, an outrigger canoe was prepared for launch. A wreath was placed on a woman’s lap in the boat, and a procession, led by Foster, came down to the boat carrying flowers. Kids, participants, and volunteers placed flowers on the wreath. Then, the canoe was pushed through the waves. When they had gone out about ¾ mile, the boat stopped. Although we couldn’t see, the plan was to put the wreath covered in the additional flowers out to sea. While it was happening, I had my daughter Abby on my lap. I was crying, but she didn’t notice. Like so many of the kids, she knew something sad was happening, but didn’t really understand.”

I came to know Ron and Song on a late 90s scuba trip to Baja.  They, like all of David and DeDe’s friends, are warm and loving people.

Video by William Neher:

Below: Boat launches with wreath (you can see in center if you look closely – ahead of the guy with the red shirt around his waist).

Photos by Laura Perron.  She also took many of the other photos on this blog and she was indispensable coordinating the service.  Thank you all for your love and support.

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2 Responses to Memorial – Day At The Beach

  1. What a beautiful tradition and a joy to experience. David, DeDe, Luke and Ryan so loved the sea. Caroline shared with us when the outrigger returned about how 2 sea otters popped up out of the kelp as they turned to return to shore. The sea otter I’ve been told is the “grandfather” of the sea. I like to imagine that they will continue to watch over my two little grandsons throughout eternity. Beautifu video Billy and thanks Laura again for sharing these moments.

  2. Cathy Lemeshewsky says:

    I met your brother Dave many years ago through diving at UCSC and through that group of wonderful friends. However the most recent memories of Dave, DeDe Luke and Ryan were from Day on the Beach. The first time I volunteered with them years ago, I was blown away by what an amazing thing they were doing for the community. Dave’s strength, kindness and humor, along with his medical knowledge, helped the volunteers feel comfortable in guiding folks through a SCUBA-breathing experience in the cold water. Dede’s warmth and gentle ways with the participants was amazing–and she was managing people and equipment with one–later two–small children in the mix.
    The night of the 7th, days before I’d heard the news, I happened upon a Day on the Beach 2001 T-shirt in my closet. I remember looking at it and thanking Dave and DeDe in my mind for helping me experience such joy and fulfillment with this activity. Maybe it was their way of saying goodbye.
    With much gratitude and love

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