The Love That They Shared

Above – A card placed above DeDe’s kitchen window tells of the love they shared.

David and DeDe loved each other very much.  She believed in him and he loved her dearly.  The picture above shows a card from last year’s anniversary on 8/17 which she kept in a place where she could always see it.  It’s slightly faded – especially the “H.”  I became very sad when I saw this because it made me remember how happy and devoted they were to each other and that they’re no longer here.  I remember one of the words he used with her is “Sweat Pea” and it was fitting because she was so sweet to him.  She was also very pretty and they were the cutest couple.

In looking around their house, the walls are filled with momentos of love and memories of the places and experiences they shared.  On one wall are metaphorical depictions of them as African wood carved faces, complete with a spear that an African tribe chief gave to my brother (I’m not sure how he got that on the plane). On another wall is a picture of DeDe and Ryan when he was two.  Upstairs there is a large frame of a dozen photos of David and DeDe smiling together in snapshots through the 20 years that they were together.  They look oh so happy… So much like they’re enjoying each other and life…  And the photos of them with their kids show the strong bond that their family shared.  I miss them.

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(Note: The previous crash-site post has been updated with new information.)

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6 Responses to The Love That They Shared

  1. Jonah Mulski says:

    I would like to see a short story in the NAUI magazine, Sources, about David, Dede, Luke and Ryan. They lived such inspirational lives and loved diving so much and I want as many people as possible to have the chance to be inspired by them. The editor of the magazine said if something was submitted it would definitely be printed. I’ve known David and Dede for about ten years but mostly through Aqua Safaris. I’m willing to write the story but I’m not sure I could do them justice. Would anyone want to write this? You can email me at jonahmulski at earthlink dot net. Jonah.

  2. Shannon McCord says:

    We carpooled with Dede and Ryan to the Mom and Me Cub Scout campout last May. There was no phone service at Pico Blanco so we had not been in touch with anyone from home for those 2 days. David called Dede on the way back and she put the phone on speaker since she was driving. David’s first words were, “Hello Sweetie, we missed you and we love you.” Dede smiled at this. I thought it was very sweet considering it hadn’t even been 48 hours yet since we left Santa Cruz. But that is the relationship they had. So many smiles. So much love.

  3. They are together always, I remember in the early days, they both knew almost upon their first meeting that they were meant to be together. I think she was ready before him or at least knew it and he had said he knew she was a lifetime keeper but he wasn’t quite ready to commit. They were apart for a few months when she went to Costa Rica to emerge in learning spanish. It wasn’t long after her return that David made his intentions known and he said he realized he didn’t want to lose her to someone else. She was going to rent a room in the house that David owned and rented out rooms. Well, she moved in and never moved out! They have been together every sense. It is wonderful as a parent to watch love grown and to witness all of the love that came into their lives has been so beautiful to me. They blossomed and produced those two wonderful young men that as they grew in the love and guidance of their wonderful parents were also such an inspiration and joy to us all that knew and shared time with them. They will soon be floating together in the sea they all loved so much, and will continue their travels together. They will be missed by all that knew them and even more important THEY will be REMEMBERED ALWAYS! I THANK THEM AND GOD for the blessings I have received and will continue to treasure for the rest of my life the special memories! Love always, Mom * Nana Linda

  4. Sherry Balow says:

    I looked at the card from the anniversary flowers every day while I was there with my sis, Linda. I could hardly breathe as I stood there reading David’s words – knowing they were treasured by DeDe, knowing they wouldn’t be spoken again on this earthly plane. I, like everyone else, have to believe they are, all of them, somewhere that matters. I don’t know if it’s a THERE that they wait, (and I certainly don’t know if they are busy THERE). Maybe their legacy lives on in us — what we are able to take from their lives and how we knew them — and how it enriches our own collective and individual lives just BECAUSE we had the honor of having them in our lives. I know they were special…..and I know that none of us walk away empty-handed, (without good memories), as a result of knowing them. For that I am always grateful, always thankful. Forever in our hearts, they will remain.

    John and family — you are and always will have a special place in our lives — sharing our thoughts and memories. I’m happy to see you keeping David, DeDe, Luke and Ryan alive here — and until our grief and sorrow can be eased with the passage of time. Thank you.
    -Aunt Sherry

  5. Loren & Laura Rush says:

    Dear Family and friends,

    We are so deeply saddened by the loss of our beloved friends and send our deep condolences to all of you.

    We were Baja friends and neighbors of Dave, Dede and Luke and Ryan since before Ryan was born. I so remember Dede very pregnant down there on the beach helping Dave launch their big dive boat and preparing for diving guests. They were always together.

    David and Dede did much more than you’ll ever know for our community in Mulege, far beyond the hurricane relief. They were always ready to help wherever help was needed. Active in our little church, going on camping trips to reach out to the small villages of the poorest of poor with food and clothing and being the greatest neighbors anyone could ever ask for.

    We remember when we got the radio message someone was drowing on a neighboring beach and they needed a paramedic. My husband grabbed David
    and they tore out to that place. David was able to recisitate the woman. An ancedote to this event was Dave saw the lady in town dancing that same night.

    We are much older than Dave or Dede yet they always had time to sit a while and visit with us and offer whatever we needed. They truly knew the depth of true friendship and love. Not only for each other and their boys but for all who surrounded them. I will always remember Dave’s beautiful smile and kind eyes and Dede’s tender spirit and caring for all she knew.

    We will always miss them and just can’t seem to get our arms around the fact they are now walking in heaven instead of earth. This season in Baja will have a huge hole in it for us and all their many, many friends down there.

    Again we just send our sincere condolences for your loss.

    Loren and Laura Rush

  6. On their wedding day, I wrote this little poem and put it on a big poster sign had it laminated and arranged for one of their dive friends to dive into the pool at Brookdale Lodge and hold it up during the reception. It was part of my sharing my love for them both on that special day and everyday since. I just found a copy of it yesterday and so want to share it as they soon would have been celebrating another anniversary on August 17th.

    “Down by the seashore, sitting in the sand- There sat DeDe- A snorkel in her hand. Along came David and Knowing what to do- said “Come little mermaid- for a lesson or two.

    Some years later and Many dives they shared. Now come the plunge and They’ve both declared… To love one another and Always they will be- As Happy as they were That first day by the sea.”

    Now this next week on July 27th, their ashes along with those of Luke and Ryan will be scattered in Monterey Bay in Santa Cruz, where they will be together forever in the waters they loved so much. They are still here with each of us and will always remain in our hearts and memories forever. I loved them all so much, they made a better person, mother and grandmother, when they gave me their loves and sharing. I am so blessed!

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