Luke was there, I swear!

The article below was submitted by Nico Schneiter, one of Luke’s closest friends.

Ever since I heard that Luke died I have been thinking that I will wake up one day and Luke will be here with us. Luke and his family are still with us in spirit. I had a very odd experience at the boardwalk. Luke always told me that the claw games at the boardwalk were not rigged like everyone said.  He told me that one day he would get the stuffed animal that was in it or what ever was in it.  He taught me a trick to getting the prize so the day that I was at the boardwalk I went to one of the claw games and I pointed to a cow that was in it and I said that I wanted to get it but my mom said that it was rigged.   I told her that I was going to get it.   It took me four tries and on the fourth try I said that, “this one was for Luke”.   When the claw grabbed the cow it almost slipped out like it did the last three times but it hung on and when it fell into the slot where I could collect it, everybody that was there cheered because a small crowd was watching me try to get the that cow. My friend that was with me decided to name him Luke because we thought that Luke was there watching and making sure that we got the cow. That is my story and I hope you also swear that Luke was there.

Your comments are welcome and especially comments from Luke’s friends.  Click on the “Comments” link below to submit.

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6 Responses to Luke was there, I swear!

  1. I agree he was there, and that will always be a special cow “Luke”, bet he never thought he would have a cow named after him. Thank you for sharing this story with all of us. I can never get enough stories, it helps keep them all near to me. I know who wrote this story and I want to send my thank yous to a very special young man who promised me he will always have hugs for me from himself and Luke. (Thanks N.S. I love you too!)

  2. Melody Appleton says:

    Hi Nico,

    That’s a great story! Thank you for sharing it. It made me smile.


  3. Sherry Balow says:

    Great story Nico! I think we’ll all find ways to share their presence in our lives. Someone once said, “Nothing that ever was is ever lost.” We all connect, it’s exciting when you KNOW you are doing so. :-) Take care.

  4. Michele Lamelin says:

    Nico, thank you for sharing this story… you bet Luke was there!! And you know what? He always will be — friends ARE for life, even if they aren’t here with us physically any longer.

    My son Shayne fenced with Luke a few times and they were just becoming friends (science nerds unite!). The day we heard the awful news, I came upon this beautiful black feather with white spots. I immediately thought of Luke for some reason, and ever since then Shayne and I have been collecting a feather every day. Shayne believes it’s Luke’s way of letting us know that he’s still flying — soaring, in fact — and that he and his family are happy and free.

    We’ll never forget Luke. What a remarkable kid!!! Thanks again, Nico… your story made us smile.

  5. Michele Lamelin says:

    p.s. thank you to whoever provided this awesome photo of Luke. Such a sparkle in his eyes, the sweetest grin. From the moment I looked upon Luke’s countenance, I knew he was one extraordinary young person!

  6. James P. Williams says:

    Thanks Nicco! Luke always had a smile or grin on his face. I am sure her was there grinning wildly! :)

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