David’s Birthday Today

Above – Luke (left) and David (right) on a recent trip to Bonaire.

Today would have been David’s 45 birthday.  I was just thinking about him today.  He was always so happy and positive.  It would take a lot to bum him out, and it didn’t last long.  I would love to be more like him.  I tend to let life build up on me and hold me back from what I want, but David never did that.  For example, I’ve been wanting to get out and do more singing (jazz) but then I have to work on my charts, and that’s a lot of work, where do you start, maybe I’ll do it later?  David never did that.  He always woke up quick (fireman style), didn’t really take time to shave, and got to his day.  Many nights he didn’t sleep much because his days started early and ended late.  He got an incredible amount of work done and an incredible amount of play as well.

I used to be a little embarrassed because he was a rugged outdoors-man and when he came to something that was a little dressier, he wasn’t that dressy.  But he cared little about what people think and said why spend a lot of effort on that when you could be living your dreams?  And that he did.  When he was young, he wanted to build telescopes, and he built a massive 12 footer.  He wanted to learn to scuba dive and I believe he did that around 17 years old.  He went to Mexico for the first time and discovered how nice and genuine the people are and that you could have the best vacation for one fifth the cost.  So he formed his scuba company around these ideas and he always loved living his dreams.

What’s the lesson here?  David would say that you have to set your mind in a positive place first, and then all good things would be shaped by that.  He read an influential book on that when he was 16 and I think that changed him – does anybody from his high school know which that is?  He carried such energy with him everywhere he went and that’s why people liked being around him.  It’s because the energy started first with him.

On other matters, I just want to say that I am overwhelmed by what I’m reading in the comments and I frequently read them with tears in my eyes.  I’m very behind on email and outbound communication, so I’m sorry if I haven’t written back or responded to comments, but I am reading them and sharing them with family.  David has a complex estate – it’s overwhelming.  Lots of things need to be done right now and we have very little time for anything; however,  I’m going to try to commit to a post per day for the time being.

Funeral Update: Shooting for 5 – 7 days from now. Still working on plans.  Lots of stakeholders.  Thinking about a church service and a day or two later a ceremony to scatter the ashes at the beach.  Trouble is the FAA and NTSB have the remains and cannot guarantee when we can get the remains – 7 days from crash is the earliest.   My dad told me the blog is a little disorganized, so I’m going to create a blog page called “important updates” (look in the top bar) and will put the funeral updates in there.  I also figured how to backup and remove the old blog posts on new media, so the blog is now dedicated and things should be easier to find.

Other note: If you’re writing comments, it might be good to make sure you have a backup of your comment before hitting submit.  The Captcha thingie below isn’t perfect and I would hate for it to lose your comment.

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9 Responses to David’s Birthday Today

  1. Susan Laccabue says:


    Thank you for the blog updates, we too are reading with tears, sorrow, and gratitude to have known such an amazing and inspiring man!

    ~Tres Amigas y mas.

  2. Rick Elliott says:

    I am one of the many, many, many people David and DeDe touched in their brilliant and full and tragically short life. I got to go on some of the best diving of my life with them up in British Columbia, aboard the Nautilus VII and again on Nautilus Explorer. I remember the beauty of that trip, but just as clearly, I remember Dave’s tousled hair (he always looked like he had just woken up) and his irrepressible enthusiasm for everything. I used to compare him to Tigger: everything seemed bouncy and fun, fun, fun! Dave would have been annoying if he weren’t so authentically himself. By contrast, DeDe seemed calm and rooted. I thought \they are perfect for each other.\

    I can’t claim to have known either of these two wonderful people well. But we spent real and connected time together; they helped enrich my life. To their family and friends left behind, I know this is a terrible, terrible loss and you have my deepest condolences. Though I haven’t seen Dave or DeDe in maybe 10 years, I cried when I learned the news of their deaths, and of the loss of their wonderful children.

    It’s hard to make sense of tragedies like this, and maybe there isn’t any to be made. It may just be something that happened. But there may be the tiniest comfort in knowing how full a life they had, in a way that can’t be measured in years. To live big is to risk big and sometimes the risk wins. But what good is a small life, a life of fear? I will keep Dave and DeDe and Luke and Ryan in my prayers, for sure. But more importantly, I will keep them in my heart as symbols of a life lived to it’s fullness.

    God bless you all.

    Rick Elliott

  3. Sara says:

    Even though I only knew Dede and the boys in passing from school activities this tragedy has really impacted me. Dede and I were working at the B-40 Festival together and the whole time she had a smile on her face and was so wonderful to work with. They were such a wonderful family and I know they are together wherever they are smiling and laughing on this part of there journey. My heart goes out to all who were close to them.

  4. Shannon McCord says:

    DeDe, David, Ryan, and Luke touched so many people in this community and beyond. It is comforting to read the posts and think about how many people adored this family. But I can’t imagine how much you have to deal with as a family on top of all the emotions. If you can think of ways friends can help, please pass that on.

  5. Another day and more beautiful notes of love and rememberances. All of the postings enrich my life. It is almost like reliving the lives of our beautiful Houghton family. As DeDe’s mom I just want to share the pride I have in each and every one of them. They blessed my life daily and shared so many of their wonderful adventures with me. My heart will never be the same! I believe that they have achieved so much more in their lives than most of us ever will and I smile when I think of them all spending eternity together. No two people could ever have loved and adored each other more than DeDe and David, Luke and Ryan often told me that they had the best parents and friends in the world. Both boys were wanting to grow up and marry their Mom. DeDe’s three men were her world, I will miss you my beautiful and loving girl.

  6. Stephanie Barnes says:

    I just felt that I needed to say something, although I didn’t know your brother and family well. David and I attended U.C.S.C. at the same time. As you say he always had a smile to share. Luke and my son Jasper were science camp partners. Neither boy had picked a partner beforehand and were put together. Jasper is shocked by this great loss. It is hard for him to understand. When I asked him what he remembered about that experience he said that he and Luke had a contest to see who the biggest nerd was (something they were both proud of). Luke won because he knew more information about everything and Jasper’s knowledge was focused on his area of interest, dinosaurs. Jasper was so happy to have a nice camp partner. He was so nervous about who he would be paired with. I am also so thankful to Luke for that. Please know what an impact this family has had on our community and what a huge loss we feel. My thoughts go out to you and your family. There are many of us out here that want to support you in this time of need.

  7. Jonah Mulski says:

    The beauty of death is its reminder to cherish life, the beauty of sadness is that we have loved deep enough to feel it.

    David and Dede were some of the most loving people I have ever met. They both had the biggest infectious smiles. When I moved to Santa Cruz in 2003 I was living in a friends trailer, had no job and very little money. Diving is a passion of mine so I went to Aqua Safaris to see if they would hire me. David sat down with me and we talked about life and work. He spoke so kindly with me, taking time and interest. Aqua Safaris didn’t have any positions open but David hired me to do odd jobs until a position opened. He knew little about me yet he took me in like an old friend. I went on to become a scuba instructor under David and Dede. At one point the responsibility of having people’s lives in my hands weighed heavy on me. David sat with me while I broke down in tears. In that conversation he handed me a new level of personal confidence. It was a coming of age moment in my life. David is a roll model, strong, soft, confident, loving. He wore his emotions in the full light of day, I love that about him. He is one of the few men I know who followed his passions and dreams, lived them fully. I will always aspire to those virtues. I’ll never forget Dede’s smile, her heart was enormous and so soft and warm, being around her I felt loved and accepted, like being at home with family.
    Megan and I were married recently and we invited David and Dede. To us these two lovers personified the way we want to live. They loved each other openly, showed each other a level of respect and caring that swept into our hearts. When they looked at each other their connection was tangible, they were lovers and their lives are a love story.
    I am crying tears of sadness that we will not again be blessed with the smiles and laughter of David, Dede, Luke and Ryan. I have tears of love for the fortune of knowing this family, these lovely open hearts. My heart hurts with their passing, my memories have become more cherished, and my love for life has become stronger.
    With love, my heart goes out to everyone. The loss is deeper than we can imagine.

  8. Connie Arthur says:

    Happy Birthday David!! I’m sure you are up in a diving/hiking heaven smiling down on us. So, here’s to you….having a nice cold cerveza in your honor. You are a symbol of living life to the fullest! Back in our college days, that actually scared me a little…but you were so sure of yourself and what you wanted out of life. And you achieved it all!! You and your family will be missed each and every day!

  9. Anna Horn says:

    John, Thank you for sharing your thoughts and memories of your brother David. I have been thinking about him and his family the entire week. My prayers go out to you and your family. I have not seen David for many years. Yet,I have got to know so about him and his amazing life through the many articles I have read these past several days. The story caught the eye of the nation. From the national publications, to small gazettes. These tragedies happen frequently. But it was he and his families life that made this story unique. it is hard for me to find the right words. but thank you again for sharing yours memories. I hope to see you again Anna

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