Sunday, August 14, 2pm: Memorial at Watsonville Comunity Hospital

I was contacted by Cindy Weigelt at Watsonville community hospital who let me know that they will place a memorial plaque for the David Houghton family as well as planting an ornamental pear tree in their remembrance.  A number of staff members at the hospital knew the family and we are grateful for this tribute.  I personally want to thank Watsonville Community Hospital and Watsonville Police, who were most accommodating to myself and the family after the accident (add one hundred and ten percent).  They let us onto the scene and cared for us as we were in shock to help us understand this terrible accident.

Placement of the memorial:  Sunday, August 14, 2:00 p.m.
Location:  Scene of the crash, Watsonville Community Hospital


Note from John:  The family is still processing this accident.  It was so sudden that I can only stay we’ve just started to understand what has happened.  Speaking for myself, it is so sudden and traumatic, and so many loved ones were involved, that it is incomprehensible.  I can only sleep for a little at a time every night, sometimes I wake every 15 minutes or half an hour.  I have one dream per night (every night is a different dream) and every time I go back to sleep, I go back to the same dream.  Last night, I dreamed that Luke and Ryan were a white statue and there was a lot involved in protecting the statue and making sure that it was taken care of.  There was a lot to do and it was stressful.  Dreams don’t make a lot of sense, but I really miss them and I think that I will miss them more as time goes along.

Thank you everyone for your notes and your love.  I can’t respond, but I read each one, often with tears, and share with family as appropriate.  Thank you.

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2 Responses to Sunday, August 14, 2pm: Memorial at Watsonville Comunity Hospital

  1. Sarah (Getty) Mozelle says:

    you, cathryn and your parents continue to be in my thoughts many times each day.
    it makes sense that comprehending the incomprehensible is taking time – with your thoughts being turned around-and-around like rough rocks in a polishing tumbler at night. i’m going to hold the belief that nourishing, deep sleep and sweet dreams will return to you in your own perfect time.
    i’m always glad to read about how you are doing, without judgment. i so wish nobody had to suffer this tragedy and yet here we are. i take calm, loving breaths whenever the crash crosses my mind and send the good vibes to all of your hearts.

  2. Sherry Balow says:

    You are not alone John and it is true, “time heals”. It doesn’t go away and your life will always include “dreams” that help you process. I had it told to me that our dreams ARE all about ourselves — our way of coping determines just how bizarre or outlandish they can be. When we’re no longer “afraid” for those we’ve lost we’re improving — and the sadness will be diminished as we find comfort in ALL WE KNOW. Think of you and your family often and with deepest regard.

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